It was a friend’s report about a vibrant fishing town with unique architecture that first intrigued us about Olhão. In March 2015, we left London (where we work as an artist and a lawyer) for a weekend in Olhão and within 24 hours, we were convinced that it would be an important part of our lives going forward. It was a combination of the intense blue skies, the rooftop vistas of whitewashed cubist houses and access to a fabulous market. Three weeks later, we returned to begin our search for a property and by June 2015, we had purchased Number42.

The story behind

The house was built in the early 19th century for a wealthy merchant and although large, it had seen better days. It had last been used as a fishermen’s nightclub but had been closed for over 30 years.

Stripping out the building took us many months. But with the invaluable help of Jacob Cok Bakker, a well-known Dutch architect, and our project manager, Jose, we put our creative stamp on the building. In mid-2018, the builders finally left and Number42 was born, still with some of its 19th-century style but reimagined to fit the needs of 21st-century living, including a rooftop pool!

The atmosphere
& interior

While Number42 is situated in the heart of Olhão’s old town and surrounded by vibrant life, it nevertheless has a monastic feel. It is spacious, with light, limestone floors and high barrel ceilings, as well as lots of outdoor spaces where you can enjoy time together or alone.

When relaxing on the ground floor patio, there is a sense of being in a secret walled garden. But on the rooftop, there is a very different, more expansive feel as you look down on the town below. You can watch the storks roosting on the church and the birds flying on the thermals, as well as the fishing boats and island ferries gliding past on the Ria.

What makes it special?

We love the feeling of space in the house and the changes in light and shade that the day brings. Sitting on the rooftop and looking out across the Ria as the sun goes down (perhaps with a glass of wine in hand), we know there is nowhere else we would rather be.

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