Booking Terms & Conditions

The contract of hire only becomes effective once Number42 has  received full and final payment of the rental amount and has sent written confirmation to the hirer. Bookings cannot be accepted for persons under 18 years of age.

Terms stated are per week unless otherwise indicated and are inclusive of tax where applicable. 

A deposit of 50%  is required to reserve the property. The balance of the cost of the holiday must be paid not later than 6 weeks before the start of your holiday.

Bookings if made less than 8 weeks before the start of the holiday must be paid in full at the time of booking.

Number42 reserves the right to refuse any booking.

Number42 reserves the right to cancel or alter arrangements made for you whether before or during the relevant visit (a) in any circumstance which arises from or is attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the reasonable control of Number42 or (b) where in the reasonable opinion of Number42 it is necessary to perform or complete essential remedial or refurbishment works

If a booking has to be cancelled by Number42, it will take reasonable steps to offer an alternative booking. If Number42 is not able to offer such an alternative or the hirer does not accept the alternative offered or the altered holiday arrangements (as the case may be), Number42 will return to the hirer the  money paid by the hirer to Number42 in respect of the accommodation and will not otherwise be liable for any loss caused by cancellation or alteration if it arises out of circumstances beyond its control.

Unless otherwise stated in writing, the holiday price will include all charges for water, gas, electricity, or oil. 

The number of persons using the property shall not exceed 12 ( and two infants) without prior arrangement with Number42 who reserve the right to make additional charges. Number42 and the Owners reserve the right to refuse admittance if this condition is not observed. Number42 and the owners reserve the right to refuse or cancel any bookings from parties that may in their opinion (and at their sole discretion) be unsuitable for the property concerned. If the hirer wishes to hold any function or celebrations exceeding this limit it must first obtain the written permission of Number42. If permission is granted, an additional charge may be levied.

The accommodation shall be for family use only or permitted group celebrations,events  or retreats. Student parties or stag or hen parties are not permitted. No photo shoots are allowed save on separate photoshoot terms agreed in advance.

The booking is personal to the hirer. The hirer must not use the accommodation except for the agreed purpose by the hirer and their party during the agreed holiday period, and not for any other purpose or longer period.

Number42 reserves the right to ask the hirer and his or her party to leave the property (without compensation being payable to the hirer  or any member of his or her party) if this is deemed necessary by Number42 where if there is a serious breach by the hirer of the booking conditions, or their behaviour is such as to endanger the safety of others. If any complaints are made of anti-social behaviour or unreasonable breakages or damage occurs or smoking restrictions are not observed Number42 shall give the hirer an opportunity to rectify the breach and failure to do so shall entitle Number42 to terminate the agreement.

A representative of Number42 may be allowed access to the property at any reasonable time during occupancy.

No pet is allowed on the property without the prior consent of Number42.

In addition to the cost of your holiday, Number42 may require a refundable security deposit which may be used to cover the cost of breakages or extra cleaning if required.  It is the hirers responsibility to ensure that the accommodation, furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects are left in the same state of cleanliness and order as was found at the start of the holiday fair wear and tear excepted. Number42 reserve the right to make a charge for any extra cleaning necessary as a result of failure to comply. Where a security deposit is held, Number42 will deduct the cost of extra cleaning and/or breakages from this amount and forward the balance to the hirer. The hirer shall be responsible for serious loss or damage which occurs to the property or its contents as a result of their negligence during their occupancy and is also responsible for paying appropriate compensation to Number42. The hirer must allow Number42 or its agents to enter the accommodation to inspect the state of it, on prior appointment save in emergency when immediate access must be granted.

The hirer must not use the Accommodation or allow its use for any dangerous, offensive, noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to any neighbours.

The hirer and his or her party must comply with any reasonable regulations relating to the accommodation of which the hirer has written notice. Such regulations may be found in the welcome folder in the accommodation,  examples would include any local conditions regarding parking, waste disposal, recycling and so on.

Smoking is not permitted in any internal part of the accommodation and the hirer and any member of his or her party undertakes not to smoke inside the accommodation.

Except as indicated below, Number42 cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to any belongings, or for injury sustained by the hirer or members of his or her party during their stay at the accommodation. Number42 excludes liability for loss or damage to any belongings, or for death or injury sustained to the hirer or members of his or her party during their stay at the accommodation except to the extent that such injury or loss or damage to any belongings is caused by the negligence or default or breach of Number42 of any duty.

The hirer shall be liable for and indemnify Number42 against any liabilities, damages, claims, costs, losses (whether direct or indirect and including loss of profits) and expenses incurred or paid by Number42 arising from the hirer’s use or occupation of the Accommodation which arise from any breach by the hirer of his or her obligations under the Agreement or from any negligence or wilful default of the hirer and/or the hirers party.

Arrival and Departure Times   Adherence to the arrival and departure times forms part of the Booking Terms and Conditions and any stay that extends over this period will be subject to a charge being made for additional days. Arrival time is 4pm or as stated in the hirer’s arrival instructions on the first day of the holiday and departure time is by 10.00am on the last day of the holiday.

The hirer will be issued with a set of keys to the Accommodation on the first day of the holiday period and the hirer must return them as per allocated instructions on the last day of the holiday period or the date of departure, if earlier. Failure to do so will incur the cost of a replacement set.

The use of accommodation and amenities, such as the  swimming pool is entirely at the users risk, and no responsibility can be accepted for injury, or loss or damage to users’ or hirer’s personal belongings.

In the event that there is reason to be dissatisfied with the accommodation please contact Number42 immediately so that an investigation can be carried out and remedial action taken as necessary.

The Booking Terms and  Conditions relate to the holiday period only and are not intended to create the relationship of landlord and tenant between the hirer and Number42. The hirer shall not be entitled to a tenancy or other statutory security of tenure.

If you have cause to cancel  please notify us immediately by e-mail .All reservation deposits paid to NUMBER42 are non-returnable and the hirer will be liable for the full cost of the holiday if a cancellation occurs UNLESS we are notified as follows:

A: Up to 12 weeks before the start of the holiday in which case a full refund will be made. 

B: Between 12 weeks and 6 weeks In which case the 50% deposit will be forfeited but the balance of the holiday is not payable.

C: Less than 6  weeks before the start of the holiday in which case  the hirer will forfeit the full cost of the holiday.

C: Cancellations due to government public health measures

If you cancel your booking because UK government public health measures mean you are not allowed to travel or you are prevented from using your booking, you may choose transfer your booking to a later date free of any administration charges, subject to availability – you will have to pay any difference in price if the cost of the new booking is higher or be reimbursed the difference if the cost of the new booking is lower;

It is recommended that the Hirer is covered by Personal Holiday Insurance.

The construction, validity and performance of the Booking Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the law of England and Wales, and both parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the UK Courts.